
August 22, 2013

It's Over 9000!

The internet connection  is now up and running... I mean "walking" again. The monsoon cause our net connection to fluctuate, and when stable it's soooooooo slow and uploading photos takes too long to complete. Then I checked out this blog again and...

...WOW! I can now shout my very own "It's Over 9000!" lol

My pageviews is now and over 10k+. Thank you dear readers, commenters, and just those who just came by and stumbled upon my Randomly Random blog page :D

I hope there's some way to celebrate this kind of thing. I can't buy any Play Arts figures for now (low budget). I wish someone will donate or sponsor me some figures to review. :D. But I guess this is the time I finish that Thank You artwork I've been working on. It just need a bit of redesigning because of some major art style improvements.

Anyways I give ya some update!

We've been hit by a monsoon that's power boosted by a passing storm. It's been raining non-stop for a week now. Today it seems that the monsoon is getting weaker. That's good because I want to skate.

Updated the PART 2 of my [Play Arts Kai of 2013] post. Some of my wishes finally came true even though it's only "Half" true. Kain Highwind and Bahamut is now part of Final Fantasy Variant PAK series along with Warrior of Light. I still hope for their original versions.

Commissions II is now open at deviantART. View the post HERE for prices and services.

Here's my latest original character artwork(s), a commissioned artwork and some design. To urge you to issue an art commission work for me LOL :D. More original artworks and design coming soon!

*Sorted from latest to fairly recent so that you can see the drawing and coloring progress

Original Character: Beatrix

Original Character: Notus
Commissioned artwork: Angel vs. Demon

Spongebob Minionpants

Thanks for the 10k views!


  1. Congratz on your first 10k views! I remember how happy I was when I saw mine. Fear not, 100k is coming!

    1. Thanks! 100k... man, that's a long way to go lol :D

