
May 09, 2016

So We Watched Captain America: Civil War

Hey look! Another movie where superheroes beat each other up because of their indifference, misunderstandings and fibs! Anyway this movie is loosely based on the comicbook. In the comicbooks it's really a war with tons of superheroes battling each other.

The story starts in the year 1991. We see the Winter Soldier or James Buchanan (Bucky) Barnes were having a memory wipe session in an underground facility. He also had some keywords programmed in his mind to trigger his Winter Soldier persona. I don't want to spoil everything so I'll abruptly end the intro scene (and hopefully all important scenes) here. The story really revolves around Bucky, a reason why I call this movie Winter Soldier 2.

This movie is a bit darker and gloomier than the cheese-fest Avengers: Age of Ultron.

This blog post might get long because the movie have lots of things going on so I will just say my opinions and impressions on this movie, maybe I'll put some minor spoilers along the way. Sorry if I forgot some stuff, but hey at least I won't ruin your fun watching the movie so better watch the movie.

The movie is great. Great cast with the inclusion of Spiderman which is a must-have for this movie, but Spiderman didn't do much in the movie like his comicbook counterpart did, but his fight scene is awesome. He's just there I guess for fanservice or as a great way of welcoming him in Marvel's Cinematic Universe which where they still call the Mutants as "The Enhanced". But they mentioned that more Enhanced are appearing in the movie so maybe we'll see more Mutants in the next MCU movies.

Back to Spidey... wow he's too young like I think he's around 16 years old in the movie. And his Aunt May is young too and she's HOT! I didn't knew her until Tony Stark and Peter Parker called her Aunt May. That makes me say "WOAH!", I mean that Queens scene with Spiderman getting recruited by Ironman is awesome already with Aunt May as the cherry on top of icing of the scene's cake. By the way, Tom Holland, the actor who plays Spiderman is one of the best Spidey's out there.

Black Panther is amazing too! That costume design is awesome. His suit is made out of Vibranium making him resist bullets and heavy impacts and he's very agile. His story in the movie is that he's hunting the Winter Soldier for revenge.

The superhero brawl scene was great. Great teamwork on Captain America's side and there are less unnecessary explosions in this scene, probably because they battled in an airport/airstrip, a wide area with few explodable objects around. I like how Antman fight in this scene, but War Machine is a star on this scene. He took a lot of hits while fighting all the opposing team and he fights back with all the weaponry on his armor. I like how he destroyed bit by bit the airplane part that Antman (Giant Man) is swinging at him. Too bad the battle didn't end up well for him, makes me feel sad too because War Machine is one of my favorite superheroes. I used him a lot in Marvel vs. Capcom 1 and 2 video game too.

The end part of the movie is unsatisfying for me, but it ended on a positive note. Yes, the Avengers are broken but the friendship between them are still there. I think it's good that this movie is loosely based on the comic book, because in the comics, "Captain America" (see those quotation marks?) died by a sniper shot after his surrender to the government.

Well the movie is a must watch for all fans and not-fans. The story is well written and can easily be followed and understand. It deserves a good rating and this movie is a proof that superhero movies, even though they are getting more frequent, with new superhero movie like Doctor Strange coming out soon, is still awesome and won't get stale anytime soon.


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